23 October 2022

Dear Brothers Minister, 

May the Lord give you peace! 


I have long wanted to reach you with this letter because, after this long time of pandemic in which we have not been able to meet in person, we all now have the desire to feel involved and united at UFME level. We want to hear and understand what is happening in Europe these days. 


Thus, as decided in our last meeting in Sicily, the next UFME Assembly will be held in Medjugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) from Monday, February 27, 2023 to Friday, March 3, 2023. The date was set at the last meeting of the UFME Permanent Council, held in the General Curia on 17 May 2022, which was also attended by the Minister General and the Europe Definitors. 


Arrivals are scheduled on Monday 27 February 2023. We will start the Assembly with dinner on the 27th and finish with lunch on Friday March 3rd 2023. Departures are scheduled for the same Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, March 4th 2023 


For those who book their trip by plane, it is best to arrive at Split airport (Split, Croatia), where shuttles will be provided to reach Medjugorje. 


The theme that we will discuss, always decided in the last Assembly in Palermo, is that of the future of the UFME: "where we started, where we arrived and what we want to be". On working days, we will ask ourselves about the structure to be given to the Union. The indications of our Minister General, Fr. Massimo Fusarelli, will also be very important in this regard. 


The detailed program will be sent to you in November, after a new meeting of the UFME Permanent Council, together with information sheet to fill in, prepared by Br. Miguel de la Mata Merayo, Secretary General, to communicate the arrival and departure times of your trip. 


Wishing you all a good journey and a good work, I greet you fraternally! 


 Rome, 19 October 2022 


                                                                                              The UFME President 

                                                                                                   Fr. Miljenko Šteko